We are seeking reliable and compassionate individual to join our home-to-school transport team as a Passenger Assistant. In this role, you will work alongside our drivers to ensure the safe and effici...
Job Category : Housing, Benefits & PlanningLocation :Lewes and Eastbourne CouncilHours Per Week : 30.00Start Date : Immediate StartStart Time :08:30End Time : 17:00Salary: £15.00This is an exciting ro...
Part Time Evening Cleaning Job Cuckfield M-F 17:30-18:30 £14.50ph (CD/CC)Monday to Friday each week for 1 hours per visit from 17:30pm. Total of 5 hours each week. £14.50 per hour - £3,770.00 per year...
Part Time Daytime Cleaning Job Broadbridge Heath (SG/BB).Monday to Saturday from 17:30PM for 2 hours and 50 minutes per visit. Total of 17 hours each week. £12.30 per hour - £10,873.20 per year. Perma...