Ensure an effective and efficient reception service is provided to patients and any other visitors to the Practice. Deal with all general enquiries, explain procedures and make new and follow-up appoi...
Please refer to the job description attached. If you have any questions about this position please do not hesitate to contact us....
Please refer to the attached Advanced Nurse Practitioner Job Description. This can be found in the attached document section of this advert...
Regular liaison with GPs and advanced clinical practitioner team to ensure information is relevant and accurate. Being proactive in identifying and implementing system improvements. To proactively ide...
For further details on the advertised position and the principal job duties/responsibilities, please refer to the Job Description and Person Specification found under the supporting documents section....
Clinical (85%) Work independently on the tier 1 rota, under the supervision of the middle grade neonatal doctor and neonatal consultants Carry out assessment of infants on the postnatal wards, includi...
To work autonomously, and as part of the Multi-Disciplinary Neonatal and Maternity Teams, to provide high quality, individualised care for all babies and mothers requiring admission to the NICU. To wo...
You will be able to find a full Job Description and Personal Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply Now to view in Trac....
We will support you by offering regular supervision, training opportunities and encourage your development and role within this developing team on the delivery of Patient Centred Care, support for car...
Please see the attached job description and person specification for further details on the post or please get in touch for more information....
Please find attached to the vacancy a detailed person specification and job description for further information about this role....
For further information, please see the attached trust job description and person specification for a full list of duties and responsibilities....
Please see attached job description for more information about this role and working at Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust....
CLINICAL & PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES Maintain appropriate NMC registration. To be aware of and practice professionally in accordance with the NMC Code of Conduct and The Scope of Professional Prac...
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac....
Package Description: At Avery Healthcare, we are all about supporting the people who care for our residents. We know how hard our teams work, and were here to celebrate and support you every step of t...
Please find the job description attached in supporting information. Please apply using the NHS Jobs online system. Your application should explain why you are applying for the post, how you believe yo...
For further information on this vacancy, please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification or contact the Hiring Manager....
Provide effective managerial and clinical leadership of departmental staff in conjunction with, or in the absence of, the Outpatient Manager. Take the operational lead for the ophthalmology service. P...
1. Assessment: To be responsible for the assessment of newly referred adults with First Episode Psychosis and the subsequent presentation of findings to the wider team. To work with diagnostic uncerta...
You will be able to find a full Job description and Person Specification attached within the supporting documents or please click Apply now to view in Trac...
The role is varied and includes venepuncture, assisting with procedures, obtaining base line observations, computer skills, ordering of stock, stock replenishment, conducting STI screening for asympto...
Please find attached to the vacancy a detailed person specification and job description for further information about this role....
Please see attached detailed Job Descriptions and Person Specifications. There is also a competency matric attached....
See Job Description for further details. Recruitment selection processes are based on competence (see Person specification) and values. Please note applicants will be required to pay for their DBS che...