We are looking to recruit a Qualified Nurse Associate to work on our Critical Care. The Critical Care Unit comprises of a 40 beds and cares for level 2 & 3 General Adult, Surgical, Neuro and Trauma p...
To read more information about the advertised role, and the main job duties/responsibilities please open the Job Description and Person Specification located under the supporting documents heading. Yo...
Deliver high quality, compassionate care under the direction of a Registered Nurse (or other registered care professional dependent on setting) with a focus on promoting health and independence. Have ...
For further information with regard to this vacancy, please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification....
Please review the attached job description for the essential role criteria and responsibilities. Please do contact us if you would like to arrange an informal visit or to discuss the role in more deta...
We are seeking to appoint an enthusiastic, motivated, forward thinking Band 4 Qualified Nursing Associate. You will work within the community nursing service, providing home-based care, led by Communi...
Nursing Associate at band 4 level required to join the E3 Respiratory Ward team.Our vision is to provide outstanding care for every patient. Patient care is at the heart of what we do at our three si...
Please scroll down to access the full Job Description and Person Specification located in Documents to download. If you have further queries please dont hesitate to contact the line manager using the ...
Please see the attached Job Description and Person Specification for full details of the role and responsibilities....
Would you be interested in a career within the NHS as Bank Band 4 Nursing Associate and Bank Band 5 Community Nurse, in the community nursing team? Are you passionate about providing a patient cente...
To find out more about the key responsibilities and the specific skills and experience youll need, take a look at the Job Description & Person Specification attachments under the Supporting Documents ...
Please read the job description for full details. Staff benefits Pay Enhancements 30% additional for Evenings (8pm onwards) and Saturdays and 60% additional for Sundays and Bank holidays. 27 days annu...
The successful candidate will be expected to be flexible and assist colleagues cover service needs, which will include working across the wider integrated team. Access to a car in order to carry out s...
Please see the full job description for more detail and supporting information. Job summary: As Nurse Associate in the Integrated Neighbourhood Team, you will be responsible for providing safe, effect...