Trafford Elective Surgical Hub (TESH) is a newly established service aimed to increase surgical capacity, whilst focusing on embracing the " High Volume Low Complexity" (HVLC) programme to help reduc...
A Vacancy at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.The successful candidate will have a unique opportunity to join MFT at a time when Manchester is at the forefront of healthcare redesign, develo...
The post holder will work in the MSK outpatient service which accepts referrals from secondary care specialties such as orthopaedics, hand therapy, pain, pelvic health, employee health and wellbeing s...
We are delighted to announce that we have a vacancy for a Clinical Educator to join Ward 83 at Royal Manchester Children's Hospital We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated individual to joi...
MFT are looking for an enthusiastic Consultant Vascular Interventional Radiologist to join our team to support the GM major trauma network.The MFT VIR team provide a full range of interventions to su...
We're recruiting for Senior Clinical fellows (Locally Employed Doctors) to join our team. The successful candidates will be responsible for the daily review and management of critically ill adult pati...
A Vacancy at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.Applications are invited for aConsultant in Oncoplastic and Gender Affirming Breast SurgeryThis post is based within the gender affirmation serv...
Applications are invited for the post of a Locum Consultant within Dermatology. The appointee will join a team of Consultants, Specialty Doctors, GPSI and Specialist Nurses to provide dermatology ser...
We have an exciting opportunity based with our Night Practitioner & Out of Hour’s team at Wythenshawe Hospital for Senior Nurse Nurse Practitioner. The post is a key leadership and management role at ...
We’re looking for compassionate and caring Nursing Assistants with a passion to be a key part of the patient care journey here at Manchester University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (MFT)- Northern S...
An exciting opportunity has arisen to join the outpatient team as Nurse Manager for the Diabetes, Endocrine & Metabolism Centre (DEM Centre) within the Peter Mount Building.Within this role the post ...
We are seeking to appoint a Senior Clinical Fellow at IMT3 level in Geriatric Medicine. This post is suitable for doctors who have completed core medical training or are currently working as an IMT3 o...
We can tailor this post to suit either• senior trainees wanting specialist experience of advanced heart failure prior to applying for a consultant post, OR• more junior doctors who have completed gene...
A Vacancy at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.This is a 2 year fixed-term post under Manchester International Training Fellowship programme. The appointee would be based in cardiothoracic tr...
A Vacancy at Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust.This post is equivalent to a specialist registrar in Cardiology but is ideally suited to an experienced cardiology applicant e.g. post-CCST or C...
Trafford Local Care Organisation is a public sector organisation bringing together NHS community health services and social care services in Trafford. The teams work as together and one and aim to imp...
Reporting to the PFI Contract Officer to support the PFI Contract Manager (ORC) with the programme of co-ordination, implementation, and delivery of the Compliance responsibilities and provide assuran...
This in an exciting opportunity to join Salford CAMHS, working as theNeurodevelopmental & Behavioural Interventions LeadIf you are Clinical Psychologist or experienced Mental Health Practitioner who ...
RMCH admits approximately 1650 critically ill children per year, of which 750 are admitted to PICU. The PICU at RMCH is the biggest general PICU in the UK. In addition there is an adjacent 17 bedded P...
An exciting opportunity has arisen for experienced neonatal nurses to develop their leadership skills and experience in a Band 6 Junior Sister/Charge nurse post.The post holder will have a specific si...
Manchester School Health Service Recruitment OpportunitiesBand 3 School Nurse Assistants – Screening TeamWe are Manchester Local Care Organisation - an exciting, new public sector organisation that is...
A fantastic opportunity has arisen for an experienced or newly qualified staff nurse to join our medical ward, Wilson Ward . It is a 24 bedded, mixed gender ward caring for acutely unwell patients wi...